Monday, March 30, 2015

Learning to Use 3D Design Platform

Tinkercad Design Platform
I have started to work on the specific components of the chew,but I have come across many obstacles that I have yet to overcome. First of all, I have to design my own outside covering of the chew. This is really difficult for me because I need to learn to design objects on a 3D platform, which I have never been exposed to before. The website I found was Tinkercad. It had a lot of tutorials to teach how to design things, but I am really struggling to make anything look even similar to what I have been imagining. Learning to use this is still currently my biggest problem. Following that, I will have to figure out a way to print out the 3D image. I have found a couple local places that print custom designs, but I still have to figure out the details regarding those places. 

Although l am still on the beginnings of learning to use Tinkercad, I have learned that learning something completely from scratch is difficult. I realize that everything I am learning now is based off of previous classes and years of being a student. But now, I am learning something I have never learned elsewhere. 

As I continue learning Tinkercad, I will continue researching materials for the internal components of the product. I still need to find something absorbent to soak up the saliva. I have been considering making the absorbent part removable and replaceable because it is unsanitary to repeatedly use a sponge. Also continuing from my last post, I am thinking about attaching plastic/waterproof material to the absorbent layer, making it removable, as well. 

I think learning to use Tinkercad is good for me now for this project, but will also come in handy later on, either for personal projects or for classes. I am excited to see where this chew will lead me in terms of producing this as well as inspiration for new projects.  


  1. It's cool to see your idea coming together. Your idea is becoming a reality. I suggest getting help with the printer, because I am sure that it will not be easy. So do you have a place that has a 3D printer and will allow you to use it? Good job so far!

  2. That is so cool Shereen! You mentioned about how it is really difficult to use Tinkercad and that you have been relying on your past knowledge from your classes. What you can do is actually go to your teachers and maybe ask them to help you with your project. The information they give you, I hope, will help you a lot! Anyways, I can't wait to see what you come up with in the end!

  3. Shereem I saw you working on the 3D object and it looks so difficult! But props to you for continuing on. Try watching youtube tutorials for more help and keep in mind you can always use sketches and measurements if this does not work out. Good luck!

  4. This is a such an interesting and unique project! If you want, you can try asking some of the students in robotics, SHS AppDev, and animation/computer programming to help you design this. It never hurts to extra hands on deck! If you are looking for a 3D printer, our school has one!

  5. I really like this idea! It;s extremely unique and can defiantly help kids with special needs. I think you could possibly go around to people who have experience working with children with special needs, like their parents or aids, and ask them to maybe do a trial run on your product!
